So! I made it through the week, albeit just barely. I did my presentation in Opera this morning, which went really well even if I was rushed and had lots more I wanted to talk about. Then I studied for my Italian quiz until my brain reached maximum capacity and I couldn't memorize even one more vocab word and figured that even if il sopraccaglio was on the quiz I didn't fucking care because it just wasn't going to happen. But the quiz went ok, I hope, and then I just sat there and thought about how hungry I was, and how much I didn't have food at home, and how I really, really wanted something plain and fatless and (most of all) Asian, to make up for the pasta with polpo (octopus! yummmmm), bread, and two desserts (in my defense, I split both with two other people) that I had at Rishma's birthday dinner last night. And then inspiration struck!
On the way back from class, I stopped at Esselunga (the closest thing to an American grocery store around) and bought myself some brown rice, sushi ginger, smoked salmon (on sale, on sale, in case my mom is reading this), carrots, and zucchini. I then came home and made myself the most delicious, satisfying rice bowl I think I've ever had. Never have I craved brown and raw vegetables and SOY SAUCE as much as I did today. I'd go so far to say it was the best lunch I've had since I got here. I'm sorry now that I didn't take a picture, but I was too too hungry.
God, I'm so tired. I feel as if I spend the majority of my life saying that this semester, but it's true. I'm tired. My body is tired, and right now (thanks, Opera and Italian!) my mind is too. I blame it on being so busy, and having more fun than I generally do during the school year. Take for example, last weekend.
I wasn't feeling that great on Friday, so I called Lauren and asked her if she wanted to just wander around Florence for a while. We went across the Arno, and all the way up towards San Miniato, even though we never actually made it there because we got tired and I punked out and didn't want to keep searching. But the area across the Arno through which we walked was incredible. The houses were massive, and much newer than anything on my side of the river. New, I mean, as in the 1800s instead of the middle ages. New as in the Pitti Palace's "Modern Rooms." New as in, older than most everything in America. It was like being in a different city, though. Just lovely.
On Saturday, Jen and I decided last minute to meet the boys in Siena for the day. I got in touch with Lauren, and we all met at the train station. It was a nice day, even if it cemented things in my mind that make me rather sad. But anyway, Siena is absolutely beautiful. Their Duomo was spectacular. Although the facade was unimpressive compared to some I've seen, including Florence's Duomo, the inside was incredible. The walls were made of striped white and blue marble, while the ceilings were painted navy blue with gold stars. The frescoes in the library were painted by Michelangelo. I would have moved in, were it not so deathly cold (marble tends to be rather chilly) and if I didn't know that they'd kick me out. After hanging around the Duomo for a while, we went to Piazza del Campo, the large piazza in the center of the city. All the little children were dressed up for Carnivale, and ran around throwing confetti and shooting silly string. They were adorable.
Then on Sunday, I went to Viareggio for Carnivale with NYU. Viareggio is a beachside city that reminded me a lot of Coney Island. It was pretty but seedy, and you could tell that it was well past it's prime. But the parade was great, with massive floats that all seemed to be political, but that went over my head because I'm not as up on my Italian politics as I know I should be. But it was a fun day, even if I don't think I would go back to Viareggio.
This weekend I'm heading to Lake Como on Saturday, and spending the rest of the time studying. Midterms are coming up, and I'm scared. Not so much for Islam and Christianity, but I feel like I've been grasping Italian by threads, and I'm not sure how well I'm going to do.