Monday, November 24, 2008

Yesterday: Hour by Hour

7:47 AM: Wake up, with the distinct feeling that I haven't moved once, even an inch, all night. Realize I am still wearing a bra. And leggings. And socks. And that there is a trash can next to my bed. Mercifully, I note that it is empty. I get up, pull pajamas out of my drawer, stumble to the bathroom and put them on. Wash my face, which seems to be covered in dried tears.
8:15 AM: Survey the complete disaster that is our kitchen. Every single dish we own seems to be piled on the sink or on the counter, along with a multitude of beer bottles in varying stages of fullness. At least the wine bottles made it to the recycling bag. Clear off a bit of space and make coffee. Wonder if my stomach will feel better if there is something in it, so I have an english muffin. Not satisfied. Have another english muffin. Still not satisfied. Find leftover lasagna. Ahhh, perfect. I eat it cold, cutting off bit sized pieces right out of the pan and eating with my hands.
9:00 AM: Sit on the couch and call my mom to tell her I feel like death and want her to come make me soup. She laughs at me for a while and tells me it serves me right. She then tells me all about the new paint in the kitchen and living room and how it's beautiful. I get as excited as someone who feels a pounding headache coming on can get.
10:00 AM: Maddy wakes up. Laughs at me. Then goes back to bed with Logan. I find Monsoon Wedding on the internets, and watch it while Sonia stumbles into the common room. Thank her for putting me to bed last night and holding back my hair while I threw up. Oh, the wonders of being my friend.
10:15 AM: Sonia says toilet is clogged again. I stare at the sky and skake my first, cursing NYU. NYU has replaced God with the thing I curse most frequently.
12:00 PM: Finish Monsoon Wedding. I always forget how much I love that movie. Spent the next couple of hours wishing I was Indian and being really happy that the main characters in the film aren't at all skinny.
12:15 PM: Finally take shower. It doesn't make me feel better.
1:00 PM: Finish rest of lasagna with Maddy and Sonia. Still not satisfied, and worried that I will throw up if there is nothing in my stomach, I make pasta. Settle down on the couch to watch Shaun of the Dead.
2:00 PM: Shaun of the Dead over. Turn channel to Hotel Rwanda and try to do music homework. Epic Fail.
3:30 PM: Start watching army movie with Denzel Washington. Only continue to watch it for the beatifulness that is Howard E. Rollins Jr. in an army uniform.
4:00 PM: Get bored, wonder back into the bedroom. Change sheets, realize that my music homework actually isn't due tomorrow. Score one for the hungover girl! Work on transposing and harmonizing my song instead.
6:00 PM: Eat leftover tofu straight out of refrigerator. Not satisfying.
7:00 PM: Somehow end up downstairs for the book club meeting. Sit on floor in corner and only offer one lame comment on the census despite Brian Waterman being like "Alex, if you guys in the corner have anything to say just shout it out, we can't see you." I eat their pizza instead. Mmmm, cheese.
8:30 PM: Finish transposing my song. Decide I'll do the rest of my homework in class instead of paying attention.
9:00 PM: Finally tackle the dishes. By now I've taken several advil, something I probably should have done in the morning. Feel much better and don't want to vomit at the smell of the sink.
9:30 PM: Pajamas. Book (The Arsonist's Guide to Writer's Homes in New England).
10:00 PM: Bed. Fall asleep in seconds.

Advil Taken: 2
Movies Watched: 3 1/2
Homework Done: Next to Nothing
Calories Consumed: More Than Those Consumed During Entire Weeks
Days Til Thanksgiving Break: 3

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